
Top 3 eBiz Challenges

  • Identifying the visitors who are ready to buy
  • Driving these visitors to take action
  • Simultaneous and automated execution

eBIO has 2 Unique Advantages

  • Recognizing every visitor through their unique individual behavior.
  • Driving visitors to take action with the right message at the right time!


Here's a list of top FAQ customers mostly concern about.

1, What's the difference between Google Analytics and your eBIO?
Answer: eBIO not only tells you what happened within your website in the past like Google Analytics, but act right away on every visitor based on his/her behavior. That's the most different fuction for the two softwares. For more details, please refer to the following table.

Comparison of Google Analytics & eBIO

Feature / Softwares Google Analytics eBIO
Tracking Method Available in multiple languages
Available on all platforms
Files/URLs request
Campaign measurement capability
Developer API
Detailed information about every visitor
Log custom data for every visitor (usernames, emails, etc)
Performance Report Customized reporting
Powerful filtering and segmentation
Result roadmap
Action Application Split testing optimization
Dynamic content feed
Email for leads nurturing

Notes: The result roadmap tells you how your output forms and where it comes from.

2, Is your eBIO a tracking tool like Google Analytics to help us learn some performance of our website?
Answer: Not completely. eBIO does track your site performance, but 80% of its features are used for improvement of your KPIs, with your hands free. We regard eBIO more likely as intelligent optimizer for the improvement of site KPIs, not just reporter like most other website analyzing tools.

3, How is security since your eBIO agent merges within our pages for collecting tracking data?
Answer: Tracking method is mostly similar with that of Google Analytics. We can show you in details what sort information we collect from your site. In fact, we're not interested in the data, but really care about how your strategies and messages are, to be applied for the KPI improvement.

4, Your eBIO sounds cool, but looks complicated in operation. Can I have your support if needed?
Answer: eBIO is new for everyone nowadays. It needs time to understand philosophy of eBIO and how eBIO works in practice. You're encouraged to connect with us for support.


You can't miss this unique, fantastic tool. Try eBIO right now!


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